Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reverse Inspiration

If inspiration usually comes from someone inspiring us to live better lives, go the extra mile, look at life differently, spend more time with each other, learn a new language, travel the thousand seas, hold out for that one true love or sing that perfect song and touch lives on stages across the nations; if inspiration is usually associated with looking to do better, have we not entertained the thought that inspiration can be done in the reverse?

I met someone who said, "I can't relate to that life [ghetto, hood] therefore I don't know what it's like and cannot understand. He went to Brown. His friends went to Harvard and Yale. Educated minorities have lost perspective in inspiring others? Come on now! We ALL have to look to each other no matter what level, status or background.

Maybe humility will find time to inspire you in looking at what someone else has or doesn't have. You have money, they have none. You want more, they want some. How can you be an inspiration to keep going when you completely close yourself off to others making less, living less or believing less? Let others humbly inspire you to count your blessings...

You never know when you being an inspiration could in turn inspire you.

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